Wargoon Flishe Watch

including the Pome of the Day Project

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

return to Wargoon

I, the fictional animator Akre, have locked Dr. Zork into a box so that he can no longer unleash his foul opinions about me and my animation actions.

Dr. Zork is the character who created me, but I have done him in, and now I resume work and on the animated feature film Wargoon Flishe, which I will soon finish.

Wargoon Flishe is ancient animation. It is cave drawing images carved upon the pages of modern magazine advertising. It is a reaction to the sickeningly slick computer animation that rules the day.

I get so tired of those animated epics with the cute characters that are one child or another of Lassiter and Luxo. I want to see something with mistakes and sweat left in, where animation meets the real world of error and falling down, much like the puppet animation of the past where you could see fingerprints and errors corrected in the next few frames. Light reflections on animation cels and all that jazz.

And so I am working on Wargoon Flishe. It is all a mess, but I am having a blast working on it. Now I am up to the music, made out of some scratchy records in my possession.

There is no pome of the day today.


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